Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Angry Doodle!

The other day I dug up some old "doodles" in the garage.
I was looking through old sketch books, and laughing at all the insane stuff I drew!
Then I remembered an external hard-drive I had full of photoshop sketches I made from long ago, and thus my adventure began.
I started re-editing drawings, and creating new ones, and combining, or erasing. Just messing with them!
Check out the website I made to follow my (rather odd) art! Just click the image above!
Or click Here

The dangers of writers block!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How do I share my (awesome) Ideas?

How do I share my (awesome) Ideas?

If you like this, please share!

This Post has a fair amount info, so feel free to scroll through!
HERE are some SEO Tips I've written!

The other day John Girouard came across my iLA blog and decided to Talk to me a bit, which is something I personally welcome!
He asked me some good questions about start-ups, and about getting the word out about “starting something new”.
If you’re are a blogger, all these “Marketing tips” that I'm about to talk about can be used by you, just as much as they can be used by John Girouard.
Most are free and simple. And if you ask me how to do something I’ll be happy to try and help.

So whats the 'Plann'?
John Girouard is the co-founder of Plann.
Plann is just starting up actually and in the early stages of development!
What is Plann and what does it do?

Its one of those "awesome ideas"
In John’s words “Plann allows users to search events anywhere around the world giving the search criteria, and organizes the events into your corresponding schedule, which we also provide.”

Learn more about Plann Here

If you ask me, this is a great idea! I like the concept, and layout! Plus travel is part of my job, so it’s really appealing to me!
Now instead of sitting in a hotel room, I can be out doing something I actually enjoy, like listening to live music, or catching some stand-up comedy!
I could’ve done that stuff before too, but really, how was I going to have a clue what was going on? who would I ask? I don't really know anyone when I travel!
I might want to do, this utility will show me the what, when, and where!

So how do we share an awesome idea like this?

“When someone asks me what's my target market, and I tell them ‘25-45 year old females with a degree’, and they ask me ‘how do you reach them’, how can you really answer that?” -John Girouard
Another version of this question is, "How do I share my Ideas?"

I wanted to make my answer public, because the information can really help all bloggers, start-ups, marketers, and anyone who wants to share a new idea in a big way.
I welcome all comments on the topic. If anyone reading this has awesome ideas, or another more effective way of doing things, you can post them in a comment and make this blog that much more informative!

The answer I gave was basic really, nothing new!
I reach my target market by answering the questions I'd expect them to ask, or search for in Google, such as " MLM tips", "how to get traffic" and so on. 

So what might your target ask? How do you answer? Who are they asking? Where do they find the answer?
Answering that may include gathering beta testers for some, physical advertising for others...

I told John that maybe if someone saw 'you know where you’re going, but do you know what’s happening when you get there?' that might be all a person needs to pass their way on the face of a flyer to spark in interest, or on a 5 second Youtube clip that gets ran(as we've all seen) before the selected video.
What do 25-45 y/o women do? Where can they be found? What are the common 'likes' and 'dislikes' ? What is the most common denominator? Some of these questions have clear and obvious answers, but we often miss some underlying detail that can help us, because we simply passed over the mundane.

Here is a simple process: " 'how' do the 'who' get the 'what' and 'where' do they find it?"
  • Let’s go through this really fast: In this example
    My target market is: Internet Marketers. They are the WHO

  • So what might they ask? Well let’s assume that internet marketing is hard, and their struggling (this  is a reality! lol)
  • HOW: They may ask Google/Bing/Yahoo/the bulletin board at a local coffee house (that’s the how, as in "how the 'who(marketers)' get the 'what' " (answers) and 'where'(your resource/blog/whatever) do they find it?) how they can get better at MLM by searching “mlm tips”
  • WHAT: If I want to know how to make more sales as a marketing person, I'm going to be asking something like "how to get more traffic" or "how do I get more sales" or "how do I set up a awesome capture page". This is the "what". This is what you should be trying to answer.
  • WHERE: If my page pops up, and they see me in the top 10 on Google, or in a YouTube Video, or in a Craigslist post, or on Reddit post, or ezine article, or wherever they may see me, they then get directed to my blog (that’s the where). Now once they've read my posts, they probably will return if my post is awesome, if it sucks, they aren't coming back. Period. 

“So why would someone choose to read what I have to say/view my offer?”

The answer should be, “Because your offer/knowledge/insight is appealing/significant.”
Because you offer them assistance/help/or something they don’t have for free, or at an awesome rate, and they can use it to do their job/hobby/interest better.

I once read that if you want to keep 95% of all your readers, make your content as easy to digest as possible, whatever it is.
Make it simple.
Take the average IQ, and produce something that everyone Just Under that average could grasp, and take an interest in, without any hassle. 

Even if you audience has a degree. 

Something I learned was that in Facebook ads, you can advertise to "Groups" as targets for marketing (such as "Marketers", "Artists", "small business owners" and so on).

So here's a few things I would encourage you do!

  • People want to be around "like-minded people" so some people join groups. 

  • If I wanted to reach one of these groups, I would definitely have a Facebook and Twitter account, and batch my blog/webpage links to all my social media accounts. I like Onlywire for multiple posts on multiple sites.
  • Join groups of people within your networks who are the audience you seek, or what you think your audience would also take an interest in.
  • I would also be involved(I mean really posting on my wall and commenting on status's or staying active to some regular degree!!) in my facebook/twitter/linkedin/whatever, that’s how you get followers/make friends.
  • Make a YouTube video, then, if necessary, an advertisement. I might even do some physical flyers and place them in colleges if I was trying to get word to that group of people and I lived near one. Or better yet, see if the college has a website and some groups and go from there. 
  • Reach out online, but also offline. Explore QR codes- meet people! When that "what do you do" question pop's up your answer can lead straight to your blog/webpage if you so desire!
  • Passively backlink your site in a signature on forum posts. Be a valuable source of knowledge in a forum, and people will notice your signature. Once noticed its turned from “this jerk keeps posting his link all over!” to “Oh hey, he has a blog. *click*”
You should be active, to some normal degree in a social network (or two networks, or however many you want). Maybe not every day, but at least a few time a week. Do NOT just post links all over. I’ve done this before, and suffered the consequences. People feel spammed! I hate feeling like some guy wants me sooo badly to see his link, and in reality, it sucks. no thanks, only give me your gold!

Be a resource. Give tips. Help people. Try and learn from people!
Ask questions, and comment often.
All these builds synergy, working together with other bloggers, by simply saying “good post, I totally love what you had to say!” or maybe “Hey man nice post, but your quote was off. If you want to fix it, check out this resource”
Be polite, and constructive.

I hope this helps you out, oh social one!

If you want to know “How can I be on the top 5 Google spots for my keyword?”  or “How do I know what keywords are most searched?” You should ask, in a comment below. I’ll do my best to help!
PS- These tips are by no means a guarantee for any results.
MikeSmith - Find me on

Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Blog is about an MLM Phone App called iLA.

This Post Originated Here

If you seek to make money with an app, you are now in luck!

 Introducing the iLiving App!
The first MLM based app that gives you an opportunity to make some money has been released! Whether you want a few dollars for spending on gas or extra expenses, or you want to support your entire household, this app bridges those goals.

So what is this App? And how do you make money with an app anyways?

The iLA app is all about living well, motivation and inspiration.
The app will give you one video weekly for as long as your account is active. It is designed to motivate you in your personal, and business life. But its not just videos, its a viral income generating platform!
The cost to receive these videos is only $9.95 monthly, and free for all of January, 2013 (so act fast!).
This App is still in prelaunch, and it has over 10,000 members, all who wanted an affordable way to be involved in a way to make money, that WORKS, using MLM without having to invest hundreds of dollars to do it!
They got what they wanted!
“ok, for  under $10 a month, the payback can’t be that big.. Can it?”
Yes it can. But that’s up to you! That is up to how many people you help by showing them this opportunity, by sharing these products!
This is obviously far more affordable than anything I've come across! (if you find something better, drop me a comment and let me know!) If you are looking for an awesome, young, promising opportunity, congratulations on finding it!

Is this a scam?

This is a valid question. In short, no it is not. A lot of people are concerned that they won’t get their money’s worth when joining a new program, and always want to double check by asking this question, and that is wise. This uses the 3x7 forced matrix payment plan. Find out more by watching this video here.
The only other way I see to make money from an app, is to design one, and market it on the various app stores. That’s a good way to go, but personally, having no skill in that department, and no genuine ideas, I’ve realistically ruled myself out of that group.

Will this last?
I cannot know that, but I do know that the payment plan is simple enough, and the desire to earn more cash is instinctive, and that this is a simple way to do it. why would anyone turn away from this after understanding how simple and rewarding it is?
You could wait and see if it ends, or you can jump in and only put $10 on the table. Not a big risk.

I cannot stress how important it is to get on board while the app is young!
Look at any successful MLM company, and you will see the biggest earners are the ones who believed in the product, and acted in the earlier stages, so that the growth occurred under them, securing them more financial freedom!
So what do we have to offer?
Lets review:
Affordable sign up/membership fee, UNDER $10 monthly!
Big payback!

Get 3 people under you, who get three under them each, and so on and so forth!

Want to get in while the time is still right, before “pre-launch” is over? Click Here!

My Website

Give a call with any questions!
or email:

Disclaimer: I am not promising or guaranteeing earnings to anyone, or anything to anyone. This is a system that makes earning money possible, not guaranteed.

Monday, December 24, 2012

You Did What to the TV?

You did What to the TV?

This last summer, the TV started not turning on at my parents house. 
They tried all the standard stuff, unplugging it, checking for obvious damage and so on. They tried to get it to turn on, and every once in a great while it would actually would click on. However, turning it off would pretty much guarantee that you wouldn't see the luminous glow of 1080p entertainment for a lengthy amount of time. 
So after clicking the remote countless times, the TV would sometimes turn on, but not without the ever present fear of the TV not turning on again, once it was turned off.

I came to visit, uninformed of the situation, and switched the TV off. 
This resulted in a frustrated raised voice from my dad, "Seriously, you just did that?!"
This, coming from the same guy who seemed so concerned about turning off lights, and fans, saving hot water, and killing all electrical flow to items that were not in use, so I think it could be understandably stated that it threw me for a loop. 
Now, my dad is pretty handy, and he found out about a week earlier through 20 minutes of good hard "googling" that he could get his TV to turn on with a hairdryer.

Of course, I knew nothing of this, so I was shocked to hear him grumble his way down the hallway saying something about " I gotta get this crap, and do it again!"
Imagine my amusement as he returned with my mom's hot pink and black hair dryer in his hand!
He plugged it in and started chuckling explaining the situation to me through laughter!
The funny part was, it worked!

Apparently many people have had the same issue with the same model TV, its a humidity sensor attached to the power supply. 

So I would like to thank Sony, for giving us a good laugh, and a crappy power supply!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What I Do In My Free Time- Photoshop!

This Blog Originated Here

MikeSmith - Find me on

This was one of my first "successful" Photo-Manipulations with Fire

Free time, when I have any, is generally spent on playing guitar, or writing, but my true passion is photo enhancing/manipulating/editing in Adobe Photoshop CS6!

Anyone who takes the time to get to know me will tell you, I have a vivid imagination and a lot of crazy ideas. I’m no pro, but I have learned a few tricks that I've shared that have helped me in the past, and a few of my friends.

Perhaps what draws me to Photoshop the most, is the never-ending possibilities. You can literally create anything if you have the right resources and creative spark!

I like very detailed, visually enticing artwork, so I try to make my work as fun to look at as possible!
I have seen a few great ideas that people had and I have done a personal spin off on them to come up with my own unique photos.

Not everything is “copy and paste” with no real talent, just a few filters, and Poof, I’m done - Not the way I Photoshop!

I get my hands dirty, and honestly, I fail a lot before I produce anything I like!
Using this effect helped me learn how to use Channels to grab shadows, use masking, and play with lighting
I often display either humor, or something I simply think is cool.
I love the fire effects I’ve tried, but perhaps I’ve over-done some of the effects. I do tend to over-do a lot, so part of my learning experience is to KISS(Keep It Simple, Stupid).
Again, I am no master, by any means, but I do love to create, and I do love to produce these strange, and hilarious, down-right weird photos! Some of my work I pour all my efforts into, and other pieces of work, I merely click a few tabs, press a few buttons, draw a few lines, and then click save as .jpg and then adjust lighting. Done. So yes, I run through some simple steps, but usually, it draws me in, and I feel compelled to keep editing til' I am happy with the result. Settling for less is not in my nature.

Photoshop has come a long was since the Version 7 platform I started out on!

Some awesome features I use regularly-
This is an awesome feature, It stitches together portions of the photo to fill a “hole” or selected area-
Now,  selecting an area on the “background layer” and hitting delete will summon a menu that gives you this option, and allows you to choose to use this tool! This is great for deleting small discrepancies like people in the distance, or for moving objects and letting the program fill the hole it leaves behind. Works very well most times, but there are mixed results, since the outcome is random and based on the diversity of content in your photo. Over-all it is one of the best features of CS6.
Cropping Tool
Adobe Found a way to finally make sense of the crop tool! Now as you crop, you have a preview of the final outcome of the photo-so no more selecting a certain area, the hitting enter, then processing, then seeing that you don’t like it after its completed. Whether you are rotating a photo, or just trimming it down, or both, you get a real-time preview, and that speeds up the whole process!
HDR Tool
HDR images fuse multiple shots taken over a variety of bright to dark exposures into one photo. This means that the shadow detail can be “turned up” in an overexposed image that is far too bright, and that hidden brightness can be intensified in an image that is far too dark. The results can be staggering! This gives you quite a beautiful balance, and can be used to make a photo seem “other-worldly” in a sense, or “grungy” or even just plain “creepy”
For more on this, and other features, watch the video below-

Here are a few funny, random, crazy photos I've done over the last 18 months

288820_10150273158562550_3430050_o287589_10150274802932550_7803003_oThis particular Photo(2 versions) really pushed me to try something strange, and fun to look at, and I've had every reaction "gross!" "weird.. what is that guy!" "dude... this is so frickin weird" "Omg what is that..!!"
I had a friend ask me to make her Tattoo more visible.. I got carried away..
38434_416910207549_2226727_nThis guy has too much fire on his foot, but despite that, I still like how it turned out
This was me jumping off of something, in a park I think, as you can see, I got carried away, again, into clearly, my own world38535_420663767549_6060509_n Made this for a buddy of mine- Not the best, but definitely fun to try out my "paint splatter" brushes combined with a cloning stamp! And of course "fireball belch" from.. nowhere.
If you like this, or have any Ideas for a good image, let me know in the comment box, and I'll see where my free time takes me!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Get More Leads-The Attraction Marketing Solution

I've been trying to figure out a way to get more leads, and more traffic to my Blog.
Heads Up!
To all my Blogging Friends-

All this information is based on my personal experience, and can be applied to blogging alone, not just marketing. If you put your email into a system, you CAN unsubscribe. this is not spam.
Then I realized, other people succeed at this all day. Why can't I?
What are they doing that I'm not doing?

This was the first step, realizing I am doing it wrong, and even though other people's methods are different, and maybe complicated, the results speak for themselves.

I needed to model myself after someone who succeeds. So I looked at a few people who's results make a blatant statement "I am succeeding"
By the way, all the successful marketers have key commonalities- Attraction Marketing!

What is attraction marketing?

Attraction marketing is just that, Attracting your market, usually by providing a solution to a problem, or answer to a question.
Example: Are you a business owner, or online marketer? Do you need more leads and customers? Chances are you've been working your fingers to the bone, doing things that aren't working for you as well as you hoped, and now you are wondering if there's another way to advertise your business. If that's you, Check out this the Top 10 Prospecting Tricks!
Or, Do you want to grow your lead list on facebook?
Well Check out this Facebook Marketing Gone Wild Video! This will show you exactly how to make money on facebook, but the beauty is you can use the technique if you just want to blog and Not make money! This has value for everyone!
So my question to you, my marketing friends, is this: Are you Ready to Get More Leads?
Are you getting the leads you want, and need? Or are you part of the 90% of marketers failing at marketing? Maybe you could just stand to do better? Whatever the case may be, check out Internet Marketing Future for information on how to get 2,500+ re-tweets, likes, shares, comments, etc!
Or you can learn how to Generate an Endless Flood of Prospects using Twitter!
But the most important system to get more leads is My Lead System Pro!
This is by far, the best way to get leads! You need to check this out!
Then there's my chunk of knowledge- the ability to earn 100% Commissions using all of that knowledge above, combined with the Empower Network!
Anyone else you know offering 100% commissions?
Start Reaching for your Dreams, by securing the formula that leads to success!
Get started
Originally poster by Michael Smith Here

Thursday, December 13, 2012

I Chose to be free of all obligation, and to really start living

Life is responsibility, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to do all the work.

I remember being so disgruntled that I had to do all these stupid things myself, like, change my oil, or mow my lawn, or clean my yard, etc.
Now I can just pay someone $40 and get an oil change, $20 and have my lawn mowed, or $20 and get my crap hauled off my yard.
One man's trash, is another man's treasure after all! It's safe to say the average person can afford these things.
But what if I want to go to Tahiti? What if I want to go to Egypt (well, maybe not now..) and see some pyramids?
What if, when XCOR starts flying the LYNX next year, I want to go to 330,000 feet in under five minutes, and experience weightless bliss and see the curvature of the earth from a zero gravity suborbital view from outside of the atmosphere?
Why can't I go around the world, and help people?
How do the normal people accomplish what the extraordinary people do, or what the extraordinary people don't do, but should?
Well, honestly, we don't. Or at least not at some great cost, like a loan that comes with a 22% interest rate.
And by ordinary, I mean like $18,000-$36,000 year end earning american people.
If you wan't to do anything meaningful, your going to need to have your own money, and learn how to come up with it on a consistent basis, in significant amounts!
Look, you, my dear reader, may not see what I choose as anything more than a scam, but I chose to do a little part time job, that can result in $30k in a month, if I do it right. Even more probably.

But more than that, I chose to be free of all obligation, and to really start living my life, for the first time.

So what is that part time job, and whats it all about?
It's an investment, in my education in marketing, sales, investments, where to put your money, and how to make it pay out 500% if not more! There are no guarantees. Just the way I like it. Why? "Mike your nuts!"
Oh well. I'm nuts then. So what. At least I'm putting on my game face on and saying "forget just sitting and dreaming", I'm reaching for my dreams, which is way better than just sleeping through them!
If I fail? I lost really, not that much money at all.. So to me, its not a big deal. I'm not rich, I do have a lot in this, but money can be re-made. I won't die, I won't starve, I'll survive.
Look I'm not trying to say Empower Network(link to my other blog) is for everyone, but anyone who can blog, and click, and be creative and interesting has a shot at a high income!
No its not easy. But its simple, and I've seen results already!
Look, do what you want, live how you please, but I don't believe i need to struggle to make money.
Plus, screw the money! I don't want money, I want a vacation, I want freedom to go where I want, when I want, with whom I want!
I see opportunity, where others see a "scheme"
I see success, where people haven't even tried to look because they are so obsessed with the idea that making money in a simple way is impossible, and that anyone who tries to go that rout is "evil" or "blind to reality" because they want to take a risk!
Folks, I get that risk is scary, but I only got one life to live, and this life will dissolve. I want my life to be happy and I'll do what I need to do to get there!
As should you.
Fill out this form and watch a video on the details.

Sign up Now!

MikeSmith - Find me on